Davco offers a single solution for fabrication of projects; procuring, fabricating, testing, sandblasting, coating, and assembly of structural and piping components. We work with a tight network of prequalified subcontractors to offer turnkey solutions for projects involving additional scopes such as Electrical, Instrumentation, Insulation, and Pre-Eng or Self-Framing buildings.
Our fabrication projects include full size pipe modules, equipment modules, skid packages (VFD, MCC, LACT, etc), and standalone pipe spools, pipe supports, and electrical supports.

Pipe Fabrication
Davco utilizes industry leading welding procedures and equipment in order to ensure the best match of efficiency and quality. For high productivity welding, our facility utilizes automated ‘bug’ welders, RMD root, and FCAW fill & cap. SMAW welding is also used with appropriate procedures when conditions dictate. Our facilities are equipped to handle small bore up to 60” piping.
Davco performs ABSA approved burner tube repairs. We hold Certificates of Authorization issued by ABSA and by the Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan for the construction, repair and alteration of pressure piping, repair and alteration of pressure vessels and performance qualification testing of welders.
Structural Fabrication
Davco is CWB (Canadian Welding Bureau) certified for fabrication of structural steel. For efficiency, our shop utilizes FCAW, MCAW, and GMAW process as dictated by the project requirements. SMAW is also used as required.
We utilize our CNC plasma beam line for material preparation. Cutting, end preparation, holes, and markings are all automated, increasing efficiency, and providing shorter turnaround time.

Assembly Yard
Davco’s fabrication facilities are at the same location as our assembly yard. By keeping all facilities in close proximity, we reduce material handling time, and allow for sharing of resources which lowers cost.
Specialized material handling equipment on site includes forklifts, rough terrain cranes, crawler crane and fixed overhead cranes.